1. How do I register? Create an account by clicking HERE. (It will take 1 full business day for us to approve your new account registration. Upon approval you will receive an email from BGCVista@traxsolutions.com)

  2. Does my child have to attend everyday? No, your child can come as needed.

  3. Does my child have to stay the entire time? No, your child does not have to stay the entire time. However, your child will get the most out of the program by staying the entire time.

  4. Does my child need to bring a lunch? For the morning program lunch will not be provided so your child will need to bring a lunch.

  5. What days of the week can my child attend? For the morning program your child can attend on Mondays and Wednesdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, or Fridays. For the afternoon program your child can attend any days of your choice.

  6. How do I pay? There is an initial charge when you register for the activity and then we will charge your account every week or month depending on the activity chosen.